Victorya Wright is the AOMT Certified OM therapist for Integrative Myofunctional Therapy. She founded IMT to serve infants, children, and adults with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. Learn more about Victorya here or continue reading about Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy below.
What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT)?
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is the re-patterning or re-education of the muscles of the face and mouth through customized therapeutic techniques or exercises to improve muscle function to treat orofacial myofunctional disorders [OMDs].
Who can provide Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy may be recommended for patients by one or more dental/medical interdisciplinary health practitioners. Typically, specially trained dental hygienists, speech and language pathologists, and other healthcare professionals with specialized training may provide customized orofacial myofunctional therapy for patients after a comprehensive patient OMD assessment.
What are Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD'S)?
OMDs can affect function in infants, children and adults of all ages. Even with only one OMD a person may benefit from OMT, but typically more than one OMD presents to impair proper function. Some Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders include:
Low Tongue Resting Posture
Tongue Thrust
Misaligned teeth
Abnormal Swallow
Tongue Tie
Lip Tie
Mouth breathing and/or Overbreathing/Hyperventilation
Bruxism, Grinding, Clenching
Sleep Disordered Breathing [SDB]
Mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea [OSA]
Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome [UARS]
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder [TMJD]
Thumb/Finger Sucking
Neck/Joint Pain
Damaging Habits causing Para-Functions
How do OMD’s affect function?
The main symptoms related to OMDs are possible alterations in the functions of breathing, sucking, chewing, swallowing, speech and sleeping. In children, these OMDs may affect growth & development and may result in behavioral hyperactivity or other symptoms.
Myofunctional Therapy has Many Benefits
At Integrative Myofunctional Therapy, we are dedicated to helping our patients achieve proper oral and facial muscle function, and improved breathing and posture when indicated. We use the muscles of our face and mouth for many different actions—including talking, chewing, swallowing, smiling and singing. Most of the time, we just do these actions instinctively and don’t even consider if we are using these muscles correctly. When these muscles are toned and functioning correctly they may help guide the teeth into desirable and functional positions in growing children, contribute to favorable facial balance with jaws properly positioned, may help to stabilize orthodontic retention, may help to lessen or eliminate teeth grinding, clenching, involuntary and habitual bruxism, and may even improve snoring or a breathing disorder.
WhAt does "Integrative" mean?
IMT utilizes an integrative approach because we assess the “whole” person, intentionally unifying allopathic and complementary therapy approaches when treating the orofacial myofunctional disorders. Myofunctional therapy usually results in orofacial muscle balance and improved function, with the goal of lasting function for a lifetime.